INDICATIONS famvir for cold sores cost.

Famciclovir is used to treat the symptoms of herpes zoster (also known as shingles), a herpes virus infection of the skin. It is used to treat and suppress herpes labialis (cold sores) and recurrent episodes of genital herpes infection. This medicine is also used to treat recurrent herpes virus infections of the mucous membranes (lips and mouth) and genitals in HIV-infected patients. Although famciclovir will not cure genital herpes or herpes zoster, it does help relieve the pain and discomfort and helps the sores heal faster.

INSTRUCTIONS famvir for cold sores cost.

Famciclovir is best used within 48 hours after the symptoms of shingles (for example, pain, burning, blisters) begin to appear, or within 6 hours after the symptoms of recurrent genital herpes (for example, pain, blisters) begin to appear.

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